You must have noticed that Orkut have disabled right-clicking in album photos. This is a safety feature introduced by orkut team to help your privacy. So, now onward you can only view your friends picture, share your photos online but you cannot save them, not even your own pictures.
Are you desperate to save your near and dear one’s photographs on your computer? This small trick will let you bypass security feature and enable downloading of pictures on your hard-disk.
Follow these steps for any web browser :
Step 1 – Click on the thumbnail of the photograph you want to download.
Step 2 – Once you get the enlarged version of the photograph, click on it and drag to the address bar i.e. keep pressing left-click and move the arrow to the address bar(where you type
Step 3 – On releasing left-click, the address bar should now have link for image.
Step 4 – Now browser window consist of image only. Save it as you normally do.
i tried it and omg,thx.cant believe i found a way. I finally got to save a friend picture i had erased.thx again
@ Yuliana
Welcome to Orkut All the Way !
This Trick is new to me. Thank You.
I know this trick to save the Image and it is very easy.
Thank You Vishal.