
Create a GMAIL Drive on your Personal Computer!

Gmail Drive is a great tool for all Gmail lovers.Actually File storage is one of the most used applications that Internet offers on these days.Gmail is more easy to use, easy to handle and is extending per second with more and more space I think it is better to use the Gmail space for more beneficial and productive purposes. Now just simply create a GMAIL Drive on your computer using simple steps

Follow the simple steps

Step 1 : Create a Gmail account on Google using this link , its pretty simple and offers 7Gb space for free so you wont need to delete any emails besides it´s very safe and I use it already for years.
Step2 : Download GMAIL DRIVE ! It will download as a zip/rar folder which you will have to open, don ´t worry there is no spy or ad ware.

Step3 : Run the exe file, installation goes pretty fast.

Step4 : Now go to your computer drives, you will see a GMail Drive image. Click on it and a GMail login window will appear.
Step5 : Enter your user name and password and there you go you are connected through your computer with the storage that offers 7Gb space.

Now using this GMAIL Drive you can add folders, images, Videos..etc whatever you like.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @

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