I used so many video splitters to split the video files to modify. But all the times I need to wait longer to get the output file.Then i came across to the application Speed video splitter, which splits and extract videos at very high speed.
Speed Video Splitter is a video conversion application that allows you to split video files.Speed Video Splitter also has very fast speed like Speed Video Converter. You can split all supported video files by setting the starting and stopping time.
Features :
1. Create DVD, VCD and SVCD (PAL,NTSC) compatible mpeg.
2· Support Windows Media Format (wmv/asf).
3· Support AVI (including the DivX format).
4· Support Quick Time movie.
5· Support Unencrypted Video DVD VOB format (needs dvd decoder)
6· Support Video VCD DAT format.
7· Split file between all supported formats.
Speed Video Splitter supports various video formats, such as AVI(Divx,xDiv), MPEG-4, mpeg(vcd,svcd,dvd compatible), wmv, asf, Quick Time, VOB, DAT.
· Create DVD, VCD and SVCD (PAL,NTSC) compatible mpeg.
· Support Windows Media Format (wmv/asf).
· Support AVI (including the DivX format).
· Support Quick Time movie.
· Support Unencrypted Video DVD VOB format (needs dvd decoder)
· Support Video VCD DAT format.
· Split file between all supported formats
But does speed compromise the video quality? Maybe it is unnoticeable.
No dude… Its depends on the settings that u made while splitiing video files 🙂
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