Solid Converter PDF helps you convert PDF to Word and Excel files that are better quality and easier to reuse. Convert PDF to Word & Excel with Solid Converter PDF.
This is the easiest programs for PDF conversion on available on the web. Solid Converter PDF creates clean, accurate, easy-to-use PDF conversions. From Windows Explorer you simply open your PDF file in Microsoft Word, then edit. The text, layout and images of your original document are recovered.
Features :
- Scan to Word. Scan directly from paper to well formatted, editable Word documents.
- PDF to Word Conversion. Convert your PDF files to Word documents for easy editing.
- PDF to Excel Conversion. Convert tables from your PDF files to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Select pages or entire document.
- Quality Conversions. No need to waste hours reformatting and reworking your converted Word files.
- PDF Creation. Simply drag and drop. Easily create PDFs from your documents. WYSIWYG user interface.
Solid Converter PDF produces better quality Word and Excel files, making repurposing and reusing them quicker and easier. So give a try and let us know your feedback about this application.
Great find. It would be really useful for me . Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
There are many PDF to Word Converters on the market,but it is important to choose a good one to convert our pdf documents to other format,i used a lot of version,and felt not very good.last week,I downloaded a program called Advanced pdf to word 5.0. It’s pretty good in preserving the formatting. It also allow us to convert a lot files at the same time.I am quite satisfied with it.
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