
Transfer Large Files upto 2GB Over The Internet with WeTransfer

We all use the well know Email services to send files across the Internet.But it is not possible to send large files using the email client.And there are bunch of websites and services that help you transfer large files about the place. WeTransfer looks like it the simple web service among them. WeTransfer (beta) is a simple and free file transfer service that lets you send you files upto 2GB in size.

It is absolutely free service.No need to register a Account. Just like your e-mail attachment.Pick the file you want to send. Enter your email and that of the recipients. Type a message and hit transfer.


After a successful transfer, the file/s you uploaded will be stored on their server for two weeks. During this time the recipient can follow the link in the email which WeTransfer service sent.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org


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