FileSecrets is a free software which allows you to protect your files from any unauthorized access. Windows might have an ability to protect files, however, this can be easily altered by users in your computer that have right access privileges.
The aim of FileSecrets is to “secretly” protect your files – which means that other users will not even have idea on how your files are protected or even will not notice that your files are there.
1.Deny Access to File or Folder
This option will help you to restrict the specified file or folder from any access, from any user or application.
When using this option, the File or Folder will remain locked until you disable its entry from FileSecrets GUI.
2.Deny Modify to File or Folder
You need to use this option if you want to share your files, however, restricting anyone to do any modification or deleting a file. This is also useful when you want to protect your files from any Virus infections but leaving them accessible.
If someone tries to delete or modify a file, he or she will receive the above errors.
3. Password Protection
FileSecrets is password protected. When a user runs the application, he/she will be asked for the password you set.
4.File Secrets GUI
Simple GUI to add files or folders you want to protect as well as what type of protection.
5.Hide the File/Folder
Use this option if you like to hide your file or folder virtually from any application. Hidden in such a way by pretending that the file does not exists in your file system, therefore, users will not be able to see your files.
So there are so many useful features of this application, so get FileSecrets and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you.
Nice app… will try it out.. thanks for sharing….