Blogging Web

Get Paid To Blog With SponsoredReviews

If you are a blogger then you can earn money with lot of online services like Google Adsense, Selling your ad spots and by writing reviews. Sponsored Reviews is one of the online service which pays you to write reviews on your blog.A review is an article that a blogger writes about your product. The product could be a website, a service, or an actual physical product.Sponsored Reviews is a way to connect advertisers to several bloggers. The bloggers post their reviews on their blog sites then they get paid for it.

A lot of people are reading blogs so for sure your company’s will be able to generate a huge number of traffic. There are also a lot of bloggers out there that are willing to provide their honest opinions about a company’s services and products. Sponsored Reviews will make sure that they match the perfect blogger for a specific company.

How to Start :

  1. Register your blog(s) with
  2. Each blog needs to be at least three months old, with at least ten posts of real content.
  3. Each blog you register needs to have unique, unshared content, and the reviews you post must be of your own creation, not copied from another blog.
  4. All reviews must appear on your blog homepage the day you submit it to us, and remain there for at least 24 hours.
  5. Your blog must be indexed on all of the major search engines, including Google.

So, if you think your blog is qualified, then it’s now your opportunity to earn more from your blog, so get paid to blog now.But always remember it’s important that you read the advertisers requirements prior to doing the review. Otherwise they will reject reviews that do not meet the advertiser’s requirements.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @

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