In Search Engine Optimization the important thing is Off Page Optimization. The more you work on your blog off page optimization, the better it will perform in search engines.
There are several off page factors that are important for your blog, but blog commenting is the one which will not only give you backlinks but a lot of more other benefits. As a blogger you must know that the more you participate in other’s blogs the better will be your blog visibility. In this tap competitive environment visibility is the only thing to stand out of the crowd.
Benefits Of Blog Commenting
1. Backlinks
Of course this is the first thing which comes in your mind when you want to post comments in other blogs. Although SEO experts says that links that has nofollow attribute has no value, but we have seen that google and other popular search engine are still following the links in comments. They count the blog links in link popularity. Thus blog commenting is beneficial for your blog and it increases your blog visibility in search engines.
2. Blog Comments
Yes you will also get blog comments in your blog. It is now the trend which has emerged in the blogging community. Whenever you will post comment in others blog, they will also visit to your blog and post comment on your blog posts. Thus you will get response from your fellow bloggers.
3. RelationShip
Blogging is actually a platform where you provide information to the word and thus get feedbacks from the readers. If you will provide quality then in return you will get followers. Those followers will follow you and some of them will become your friends or may be they will help you in a particular matter. So the more comments you will post in others blogs the more new readers you will get. It will help in building relationship with your fellow bloggers.
4. Build Authority
It is proved that when you will post some quality comments in your fellow bloggers blog the readers reading that post will respect your. Adding new points and information to the post in comment box will attract the readers and thus you will get authority.
5. Exposure
As i told you that it is all about visibility, the more you post comments in other blogs the more readers you will get. Every visitor to the blog post where you have posted the comment will click on your blog URL in your comment. Thus you will get new readers. However make sure to add quality in your comment.
Commenting gets you new blogger friends
Well, these absolutely we will get from blog commenting. I love comments than the guest post because guest post take more time. But remembers, do not make spam. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

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