It probably happens, that someone deleted a folder which contains important files and folders inside it. There are many software’s online by using you can protect your files and folders. I am writing a simple tutorial which will guide you to make an undeletable folders in Win Xp to protect your data.These folders can be deleted in Dos prompt only. So normal computer users will not be able to delete these folders.
Follow the simple steps ::
Step 1 : Open Command Prompt (Start > Run > type ‘cmd’). Then a command prompt will be appeared.
Step 2:Change to the directory in which you want to create your folder. Like c:d: etc.
Step 3 : Now its time to crate an undeletable folder. Type md /aux/ and hit enter. It will create a folder named aux in drive D.
Step 4 : Go to D drive and try to delete folder named aux which we created just! It will give u following error.
Step 5: Try to delete in normal way, it will give you an error message whenever you try to delete it. There are many other names which you can use for creating folders.
- lpt1 to lpt9 ( Ex. md lpt1 )
How to delete this Folders :
Go to Command Prompt. If you want to delete folder named aux then type rd aux and press Enter. Thats it. This command will delete folder named aux.Just give it a try and create an undeletable folders. Feel free to share your experience with your valuable comments!
This seems to be entirely new for me. I suspect whether they are actual folders?
can you make it renamed plsssssssss
Wow. This is such a half-baked information. Do we put our files in lpt? Do we create lpt in the foder that needs to be amde undeletable?
Dude, if you provide tips see to it that u mention everything. You tip w/o the complete info is pretty much useless.
For all..crate these folders in the folder u want to make undeletable.