
How to Become a Successful Blogger

Want to be a successful blogger? Every blogger dreams to be a successful blogger one day. Everyone wants it to happen quick in a short time. But do you think it’s possible? Remember the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Well the same applies here. “A successful blogger wasn’t built in a day….” It took time for him to become successful!

In order to be a successful blogger you need to follow some tactics. You must work hard on your blog and eventually after some time your blog will be a success and you may then call yourself a successful blogger! Follow the tips given below to be a successful blogger and a bloggers whose blog people actually read!

1.) Don’t Aim Earning From Day One…

No one wants to run a blog without advertisements. Every blogger goal is to earn as much as they can. However placing a lot of advertisement will hurt your blog ranking + readers will not get the information easily. Blogs with a lot of Ads are called MFA. Made for Advertisements, so don’t try to make your blog as MFA. Organize your blog in such a way that you can easily insert an Ad in a profitable place. Also only display proper ads i.e. of normal sizes and related to your blog niche.

2.) Managing…

Now keeping all the above points in your mind, apply all them in your blog and manage everything with proper planning. If you will implement everything correctly, then achieving your desired goal isn’t a problem.

3.) It Takes Time…. Be Patient!

Everything in this world takes time. Everything happens at a time it is meant to happen. Same applies here. You will be a successful blogger when time wants you to be! If you work hard, post regularly, concentrate on SEO you will be a successful blogger in no time. By no time I mean some months or some years!

4.) Focus On One Thing

Many people start many blogs having in mind that more blogs will reap more profits. But I have observed that these types of people aren’t able to manage even a single blog properly! They hardly update all of their blogs regularly. So I recommend you to start a single blog and when it starts reaping profits and you are confident that you will be able to manage more blogs, then only start other blogs. Until then concentrate on one blog or project.

5.) Take Suggestions From Pro’s

All bloggers are ready to share their secrets of success. They just want that someone should ask them. So why not ask them? Ask successful bloggers about their blogging journey, etc. You may also ask your fellow blogger friends for suggestions or anything that improved their blog and benefited them!

That was the last point of this post! Enjoyed reading the post? Please share this post on Twitter, FaceBook, Etc. Share the knowledge!

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @


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