The release of iPhone 4 has created a storm in the market and it was evident from the fact that Apple has sold the gadget in millions within few days of its release. Experts are of the opinion that this new technology may have many consequences in the world of Internet in many ways. One such area of impact is the area of mobile advertising.
Till now, mobile marketing was making small impacts on the advertising world due to a number of inherent problems of their own. Some of the basic problems for which mobile advertisements were not popular include the small size of the advertising medium, problems in Bluetooth Headsets and there is a natural dislike of advertisements on the mobile screen by the common man. By size of the advertising medium, we mean the comparatively smaller size of the screens of the mobile phones as compared to television or a desktop or laptop screen.
Keeping this in mind, Apple has launched their iAds advertising platform on their iPhones and this is already having a huge impact on the mind of the advertisers. It is going to be an exclusive advertisement network and platform which has been built especially so that people using iPhone, iPad and iPod touch can get access to it.
During the launch of iPhone4, Apple stated in their keynote address that the new iAd will be operational from July 1. Before the feature is in progress, Apple has got marketing commitments worth $60 million from leading global brands like Best Buy, Campbell Soup, AT&T, Direct TV, GE, Liberty Mutual Fund and many more. It is stunning to know that this amount is almost 50% of the total global advertising revenue which was targeted for the second half of 2010.
All these companies feel that their advertisements can now be widely visible as the size of the iPhone4 screen is quite large. Secondly, Apple has also confirmed to have got 600,000 orders for the gadget and so, advertising in this medium is going to have a long reach among the audiences. The advertisements will also look on the bright TFT screen having high resolutions.
Mobile advertising till today mostly meant simple banner advertisements. If you click on any one of them, the user gets completely removed from the content with which he was originally engaged with, eventhough if it is best camera phone. That becomes really disturbing to the user as he has to search back to that content again.
The most important phenomenon for which iAads platform is strikingly different is the fact that it can create the combination of emotion of a television advertisement and interactivity of web application on the iPhone4. iAds have been merged within apps on Apple’s mobile devices and it allows the users to see the marketing campaign on the screen of the device without disengaging completely from the application. It is expected that the world will see a new bond between the companies and the consumer through the iAds advertising platform.
With the unstable situation of the world economy, many companies are feeling the need for aggressive marketing campaign to survive as the competition is becoming severe and acute.Almost every company is looking out for alternative marketing route to reach to the audience which has become global due to the opening of trade barriers and the Internet.
In such scenario, iAds on the iPhones can become a very good alternate strategy to the companies for reaching to the customers. Just like a good SEO strategy, it can place any brand above the competition and reach their products or service to the millions of customers which they have planned to target.
Marketing is all about being creative and present your ads in different way and right now iPhone is trending so much that iAds is best way to promote ads to reach targeted customer. You came up with nice article, never read abt iAds in so simple and detailed way.
Thanks for your comment Ruchi…
I am glad that u like this post!!
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