Internet is becoming a new source of marketing for the people who usually do not have much time for marketing. There are many internet marketing sites that have been set up to build goodwill and satisfy customers with quality products. Every company advertises their products in different websites or blogs to attract customers for buying those goods.
Blog is derived from the term “web log” as it s a type of website. Term “web log” was firstly used by Jorn Barger followed by Peter Merholz whointroduced its short form “blog”. Blogs evolved from online diary in which people used to keep a runningaccount of their personal lives. It can be easily made by anyone for the motive of earning some money or for doing some social activity. Blogs are made attractive and interactive by adding features like “leave comments” and even messages via widgets can be sent to each other. This makes it different from normal websites.
Blogs can be distinguished from each other on the basis of type of content. The types of blogs are as follows:
1. Device: A blog can be differentiated by the device that is used to write blog in it like “moblog” should be termed if the blog is written by means of mobile phones.
2. Media Type: Blogs contains different Medias many a times. According to different Medias blogs can be called “vlog” when it comprises video, “photoblog” when it contains pictures and when a blog comprises of some sketch it is called “sketchblog”.
3. Genre: Blogs may have a theme of special topic such as technological blogs, parental blogs, educational blogs, etc.
4. Personal Blog: It is the most common type of blog. It is an ongoing commentary kind of blog by an individual. Twitter is the most renowned example which allows people to share personal blogs.
Blogs always need to maintain its goodwill. It can be done perfectly by customer relationship management. It is also known as CRM in short. This management states that the owner of the blog must interact with customers, sales prospect and clients. CRM consists of many variations like sales force automation, customer service and support, marketing, analytics, technical support, etc.
Customer relationship management helps to acquire new clients through excellent contact management by offering service from a team of trained and skilled specialists of this field. Therefore, the crm objective is to find and attract new customers and also retaining the precious old customer by providing them different types of facilities.