The boom for 3G technology has seemed to hit an all time high. Once many Americans were very excited about unforgettable hotspots, but now they grew weary and want to be connected 24/7.
No matter their electronic device from an iPad all the way to a laptop, there needs to be a connection ready to go at the click of a finger. The following companies are ranked from the greatest to the least with connectivity as the main factor.
AT&T has introduced the highest speeds for any mobile network when its HSPA 7.2 3G network was released. AT&T provides coverage throughout the entire US and plans on keeping it that.
The average download consisted an average speed of 1.79. If you’re somebody who like to upload files to other people, websites, or even to your personal e-mail, you’ll enjoy the upload speed of up to 0.36. Though this is 3 times slower than downloading, it’s a well worth it trade.
T-Mobile has been offering its service to customers for such a long time now. T-mobile claims they have “America best coverage”, but their claims may be taking it to far. Though, don’t give up you hope on what really does seem to be Americas favorite network. The coverage available has a consistency of 95.49% with much less dropped lines than AT&T.
This will literally give you coverage that lasts and lasts. The download speeds fall below AT&T at only 1.24 averagely. This may not be a good mobile network for those who are either impatient or in a hurry. The upload speeds decimate AT&T at 0.38 MB’s a second.
Cricket is a much newer mobile network that AT&T or T-Mobile. This mobile network came in a slew of new generation networks including Boost Mobile, Pre-paid phones, and many more.
Cricket whoever stands up to compete with the older generation unlike many of the newer generations mobile networks. Cricket almost ranks as high as T-Mobile, but falls off the charts when it comes to its download speed at only 0.93 averagely. The consistency of ranks the highest out of all networks at 97.5%. Choosing Cricket is a good choice to go with for inexpensive and not so mediocre of service.
The most elite networks of 2010 stand out when it comes to downloading speeds, uploading speeds, consistency of a connection and almost every other aspect there is. Sprint deserves its name listed on the top. But sadly, they now run with 4G service. This wouldn’t be a fair match for any 2010 mobile networks. When you’re choosing 3G, always have your research done on which company to ultimately go with.