Quick Tips Windows

Basic Ways to Speed-Up Your PC’s Performance

There is nothing more aggravating than working (or playing) on a slow computer. Without regular maintenance, the performance of any machine is going to degrade.

If you notice that your personal computer has been lagging significantly lately, before you take it into the computer shop or to the tech gods, there are several things you can do at home to help. By simply removing spyware, defragmenting your computer, and deleting unneeded files and software you can speed up your computer’s performance without breaking into your pocket book.

First, try to remove all spyware and viruses that might be on your machine. Spyware or viruses are typically the number one things that cause problems on a personal computer. Spyware collects personal information from a computer without the user knowing and without permission. In many ways Spyware is similar to a virus on your computer.

It is a threat to both your personal privacy and to the working performance of your computer. Spyware will run in the background while you use your computer, logging what websites you use, your usernames, and your passwords.

All of this background work can cause a computer to slow down significantly. Be sure to update and run your spyware and virus scans every one to two weeks. If you do not have any virus or spyware software there are numerous places online that have it available (just be sure that you are getting a legitimate spyware tool, or you may run into problems that are much worse).

Another easy way to protect against spyware and viruses is by updating your web browser to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. These browsers are less prone to malware than Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Another option that may speed up your computer is simply defragmenting your disk. Defragmenting your computer can take a bit of time, but will significantly speed up your computer’s processing time. Defragmenting your hard drive places similar files closer to one another on the hard drive, making it easier for your computer to locate them.

Disk fragmentation slows the overall performance of your system and is something that occurs in all PC’s. It is recommended that an individual defrag (run their disk defragmenter) once every week for optimal performance.

However, this estimate may be slightly overkill. It is important, however, to run your disk defragmenter when you have added a large number of files to your computer, your free disk space is less than fifteen percent, or you have installed new programs or a new version of your operating system. Each of these situations can lead to severe fragmentation on your computer’s hard drive, causing your computer to lag.

Lastly, it is important to regularly free up space on your hard drive by deleting unneeded programs and files. Using a Disk Cleanup tool can help free up space on your hard disk and improve the performance of your computer. Often, temporary files and old programs clog up a computer’s performance without an individual realizing it.

Deleting this unused data will speed up your computer significantly. While these three tips may seem simple and very basic, they can be the trick to maintaining a high performing machine.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org


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