The dismal financial climate that is currently prevalent in the market has pushed most marketers and enterprises into cutting costs and to optimally utilize their limited resources.
Hence, traditional methods of marketing, which require a lot of capital, have been given a miss in favor of more cutting edge and cost effective methods such as SEO and social media. The integration of social media and SEO has enabled businesses to effectively reach out to their audience and attract them to purchase their products and services.
Here are some of the benefits of leveraging the power of social media for your SEO strategy and vice versa.
- Enhanced visibility – A lot of businesses make the mistake of developing excellent content but ignore the ways and means of generating visibility for it. Unless your social content is optimized for the search engines, chances are that it would gain very limited viewership and fail to attract your target audience. Hence all your social media content should be optimized to generate enhanced visibility.
- Tracking your audience – In a highly competitive business arena, it is imperative to reach out to your audience in the most effective way. Hence, you should be able to locate your audience and gauge their needs and requirements. What better way to do this than by creating a social media presence for your brand and including it in your SEO strategy? This would help you generate valuable business leads and enhance your sales figures.
- Expand your consumer base –A social media presence for your business would typically thrive on the viral nature of this marketing medium. Social networking sites offer businesses an unlimited pool of potential customers. By creating a social media presence you would be able to tap into this ever-growing network and in turn phenomenally expand your consumer base.
- Direct product discovery – The synergy of social media and SEO can create a potent marketing tool for your online business. While social media would attract potential customers and create brand awareness for your business, SEO would enable them to discover your products via search engines. This would lead to higher sales conversions and a higher ROI for your business.
- Business analytics – Measuring the success of your marketing strategy, both online and offline are key in determining your agenda in the future. A combined analysis of social media and SEO would help you gauge your performance and provide you with the insight to improve your marketing strategies in the future.
By integrating social media into your SEO strategy and vice versa, would enable your business to derive more value out its investment. A comprehensive social media strategy that is optimized would attract new customers through search engines and help your business realize its true market potential.
Nice…tracking the audience is very good.
It always helps in finding ways for SEO.
.-= Prachi´s last blog ..Build Your Own Website On Mobile With MTNL =-.
Hi Vishal,
Honestly speaking one of my client’s websites have already good SERP the problem is we need more targeted audience and upon reading your post I think I can use twitter/facebook to find people who are near my clients store so that they will be aware on what they are trying to sell.