Quick Tips

Some Copywriting Tips for the SEO Learner

When you’ve been an online copywriter for long enough you’ll soon realise that the real money is in SEO. Business owners invest millions every year into the process and as copywriters it is only common-sense for us to want to get involved in this party of mass cash. But is our ability to write engaging content really what these webmasters are after? Well partly yes.

Now although the phrase ‘content is king’ maybe less true than it once was the implementation of well optimized web content plays a major part in all traditional SEO campaigns and there has never been a better time for online copywriters to take advantage of this fact.

Since the panda update SEO copywriting has become less about keyword manipulation and more about the production of authentic content on a consistent basis. Unfortunately there are still some SEO essentials that allow the term ‘SEO copywriting’ to hold onto its meaning – I have listed the most important of these below to help guide you as you enter the SEO world.

Don’t forget to use long-tail terms

As an SEO copywriter you will probably be given a set of keywords to include in your work however this does not mean that you can’t utilise your own initiative.

If your employer has not suggested you use any long-tail terms to surround your keywords be sure to add in at least one or two per page. (I am talking about the words that sometimes surround keywords in a search query.)

Use word order to your advantage

Although I greatly believe that all sales content should remain authentic, reliable and natural I see no reason why word order cannot be adapted for the benefit of SEO. Look at Google Trends, Analytics and at your clients keyword competitors and you might see a recurring theme – often a popular keyword or phrase will be most frequently searched in a quaint order.

Just because ‘Rome hotel’ sounds more natural ‘hotel Rome’ may potentially offer significant SEO benefits. The small swap in word order is very unlikely to put off a pages reader and given the amount of extra traffic that can be attained it is a little trick that should not be overlooked.

Keep your keyword targeting simple

If you have been given free reign over a sites web content you should be sure to pursue a different keyword or phrase on each page.

Trying to fit too many different sets of keywords on one page can confuse Google and cost your client the results they are looking for. Every page should boast its own topic/subject and should have a set of keywords that is exclusive to its page.

Utilise H1 and H2 tags in longer content

If you have been told to write an extended piece of copy you should take advantage of every title and subtitle you utilise. H1 and H2 tags offer serious SEO juice and it annoys me when I see websites that fail to take advantage of their potential.

Why your best is needed for a website to survive in the jungle of the SERP’s

As an SEO copywriter your goal is to make use of every SEO opportunity that is possible through the use of words. Any part that you fail to take advantage of is a serious weakness on your part and it makes you responsible for the lack of success an SEO strategy might have. The SERP’s are a jungle that run only on Darwinian rules – only the best websites survive. This means that all SEO copywriters need to bring their A game to the table.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org


  • Very interesting article. It’s important not to get carried away with being an “SEO” copywriter. Too many keywords and you’ve got spam. Unless your working with an SEO manager, it’s important to remember you are essentially there to write good content. One or two keyword occurances is often enough nowadays.

  • Looking forward to seeing more posts like this. My site (http://freemaclaptops.weebly.com/) has great information and stuff like that, but it’s just not popular. I’d really enjoy seeing you write more SEO tip articles, I’m sure I’m not the only one that’d appreciate that.

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