The world has become increasingly interconnected in the online community. People are instantly transported to Mongolia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Utah, Alaska and back again – in the comfort of their home.
Businesses will benefit from blogs written in a range of foreign languages; however, it is also best to be aware of the drawbacks of multi-lingual website and blog writing.
Multilingual societies
Providing multilingual services is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. Countries are now incredibly accessible – flights and transport are cheap, people want to explore alternative cultures and businesses are tapping in to new foreign markets.
Businesses in western cultures may be lacking in multi-lingual services, as secondary languages are not actively promoted in education. However, this weakness means business communications are limited to English speaking societies. Eastern cultures have a higher level of multi-lingual skills.
Pros of multilingual blogs
Greater audience
Blogging in different languages expands your market share of the population. By supporting multilingual international readers, you will increase readership across the globe. Your messages can be easily read in their native language.
Forward thinking blogs
Blogs translated in to a range of alternative languages present a modern approach to blogging and business, while increasing your global presence. Readers from across the world can engage in your blog messages, and take action on your blog intention. Whether your blog message is to provide information, advice, entertainment, special offers or simply to update the world – translating it in to more languages opens your blog to the world.
SEO benefits
Blogging and writing in a range of languages offer huge search engine optimisation (SEO) benefits for your company. SEO is an important tool to ensure your website stays on top in search engines. Search engines will index your translated content, increasing your SEO rankings. This will increase the number of blog and website visitors in their native tongue.
Cons of multi-lingual blogs
Incorrect translations
Blogging in a range of different languages has huge benefits for your readership, SEO rankings and business credibility. However, caution should be exercised when translating written text. Multi-lingual writers can be few and far between, therefore using online translation tools may result in incorrect translations and annoying grammar mistakes. Messages may not be conveyed in the way you intend, which can mean they end up complete nonsense or even offensive.
Top tips to avoid getting lost in translation
- Use plain English
- Avoid using slang words
- Avoid use of idioms
- Check cultural customs to avoid causing offence
Useful translation plug-ins for WordPress
Here is a collection of useful translation plug-ins to assist with making your website, articles and blog multilingual.
Translation is the future
The world’s community is getting smaller. With online usage becoming an integral aspect of personal and work life across the world, it is important to consider multi-lingual enhancements to our communications.