
How to Boost The 3G Signal?

The 3G network becomes more and more popular today. And no wonder that it happens because the using of 3G allows mobile operators to significantly improve the quality of their service. So that way appears the possibility of operative work with the corporate network and e-mail applications, viewing mobile TV and streaming video; the owners of 3g mobile phones can now provide video calls.

If there is no wired internet, you can buy an inexpensive 3g modem and use the mobile Internet. But very often the owners of 3g modems complain about low download speed and ask how to speed up 3g modem.

What are the reasons of the poor 3g signal? In the conditions of dense city building the mobile signal may be weak in the hundreds or even thousands times before, repeatedly reflected from the walls, it comes to your modem. In remote areas, the signal attenuation is usually associated with a significant distance from the mobile base station of your mobile operator, as well as the presence of green massifs in your area, all these prevent the propagation of radio waves.

There are often situations when 3g signal reception level is excellent, but you don’t have the speed. This is due to congestion of cell base statement. The more people are connected to the base station, the smaller speed goes to each individual subscriber. You can drop in such situation during working day, The best way to resolve this problem is to install the 3g signal booster.

Before you buy the suitable booster, pay attention to the antenna gain of chosen gsm signal repeater. It is desirable to guide the antenna for 3g amplifier at the nearest mobile base station as more as possible precisely. Also it is necessary to install both antennas (internal and external) correctly as this influences work of all equipment. Use the cable length as smaller as possible.

The installing of 3g repeater can greatly increase the 3g internet connection. The principle of work of such 3g booster is the following: the donor external antenna is mounted on the wall of a building or on the roof, this antenna is connected to the amplifier via high-frequency cable. Such antenna should be directed to the nearest and little loaded mobile base station.

The external antenna receives the 3g signal; the 3g signal booster amplifies it and passes directly to the internal antenna via cable which transfers the signal to the subscriber. And backswords.

This equipment is designed for unlimited number of simultaneously working 3G phones and modems and allows you to use services of all mobile operators of your country. At the same time all the users can freely move within the coverage area. Now you know the reasons of the low speed of the 3g modem and how easily increase the quality of the 3g signal.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @

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