I’ve found that a true SEO copywriter is one of the few service professionals the majority of businesses can’t do without – they are the core of most company’s content plans and, more importantly, aren’t just copywriters, they’re also experts in the basics or more advanced aspects of SEO.
Since Panda slapped most websites down for content that did not fit the new guidelines, a new breed of SEO copywriter is popping up – but there are many people claiming that they’re SEO experts when they’re not. So how do you choose?
Choosing the right copywriter
In my opinion, the best copywriters work well with clients on an ad hoc or temporary basis – though, some companies might need a copywriter full time. Before hiring one though, you should give them a trial or two trials of content that you might ask them to create.
Remember though, that just like SEO copywriters, other services provided to do with content are often specialised, and an SEO copywriter may not be well placed to create press releases, so before assuming that your new member of staff can create content, ensure you interview them thoroughly.
SEO copywriters are specialists specifically in creating content for SEO purposes. Creating this content is slightly different to writing content for other areas too – SEO copy is often based around principles that might not translate to printed articles – and while SEO content for websites is one type of content, SEO content for blogs has slightly different rules again. So it’s important to ensure that the person you choose knows what they’re doing, without needing to continually research.
Three signs that you chose the right SEO copywriter
- Their samples and portfolio are properly formatted – while formatting might seem like a purely aesthetic thing in print, and though it has its place, online headings and subheadings, lists and more are used by search engines and given different weight based on what the content actually is. Getting your keywords into headings or subheadings is a must, and to prove they can do that. Ask to see some articles that they’ve produced and check them out for both content and how they’re laid out.
- They’re genuinely interested in your keywords – keywords are critical – so if you’re using something that the average writer wouldn’t know about, and they will ask questions, and create content that works well with your needs. If they’ve got to clarify your needs, they should ask promptly. A copywriter who asks at the last minute to clarify something might be overworked, and someone that you may not want to work with in the future. One of the major problems that most people will have with these types of content writers is their work may not be exactly perfect either. SEO copywriters know their limits, and will create content that speaks to the target they find.
- Your content will come back on time and perfect – though, if you need to give feedback to change it, you’ll find that the best SEO copywriters work with clients to ensure that they’re completely satisfied. Don’t settle for a copywriter that’s worked with you before if you aren’t entirely satisfied, or they haven’t worked with you to resolve your content issues, if you’ve had any. Edits shouldn’t be difficult in most cases, but be aware that major content changes can take time, especially if there’s been a miscommunication.
Ultimately, an SEO copywriter will be a major investment for many companies – whether it is a content overhaul or blog and content, you can rely on Apple Copywriting to create great content.
I agree with these points mentioned above..Driving traffic into a website can be done by Internet advertisement campaigns too. But the advantage of SEO over such campaigns is that such ads may cost you money, time and energy again and again. So it is very essential that web designers understand the vast opportunities of search engine optimization and incorporate such design parameters so as to make the site highly visible..