Hopefully you know by now that social media can be a huge source of traffic to your blog. It’s strange that there appear to be a limited number of tools available that accurately track visitors which are referred to your blog by social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Methods which were used in the past to track this type of traffic, in many cases, are no longer feasible. This is because many social networks have started to obscure outbound links using redirects. In addition to this, they are, in many cases, dropping referral URLs and disallowing tracking cookies in embedded URLs. This has all been done in an attempt to eradicate spam and boost their own Internet authority.
While social media networks may have had good intentions behind the reasons for these changes, they have, for the most part, made it incredibly difficult for you to track visitors coming from these sites to your own blog.
The good news in all of this comes in two parts; Google gives you the ability to modify links with labels, which you choose according to where you post them, and InMotion Hosting has released a tool called QuickTagger, which allows links to be easily categorized and tracked in one central location. It’s even possible to use this tool in conjunction with Google Analytics to track social media inbound links coming to your site.
On top of that, you can use shortened versions of links, which this tool creates, in order to track the amount of social media impressions you receive and the demographics of each impression, if you have a Tweetburner account.
With this new tool, you can determine exactly who is being referred to your landing pages, using the links that you post on social media networks, by placing them in one, easily accessible location.
Just categorize the location in which you want to publish your links and QuickTagger will handle the coding, providing you with a long version of the link that Google can use to calculate the number of visitors you have in your Google Analytics account.The best thing about this tool is that it will generate a short URL, which if you set up a free account with Tweetburner, will allow you to track your audience‘s geographic location.
This is a great tool if you want to be sure that you are capturing the audience you intend to engage, in the way you intend to engage them.
I’ve been working at home for quite a while now and I feel the things that you mentioned here in your post. The tips that you mentioned are quite remarkable and very applicable. I will do the things you mention here since they are quite useful.
Becca recently posted..Hello world!
Good Article. I’ve been looking at different ways to get track performance. I’ve also looked at ways to drive traffic in social media. In addition to what you mentioned for my blog I use Clicky.
What do you see is your best sources of traffic and ideas to write that generate traffic?
I wish you continued success.
Great article Vishal, Google analytics now also has a similar too built into it allowing you to build custom url’s for your campaigns – great for tracking referrers.
Thanks for adding your info here!
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