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Knowing What to Highlight in the Design of Your Website

The design of the website is crucial for its performance. It determines its success and failure in long run and thus you need to think before designing the same. Though all the pages of the website are crucial, but there are certain pages or the elements of the website that must be skilfully highlighted in its design. When done appropriately, these highlighted features of the website determines the success of the website and provides an enjoyable and comfortable user experience to the visitors flocking your website.

website design

 In this article we shall discuss the various factors which you must highlight in your website, to optimize its performance.

The Menu Section

 You can not afford to demand the users who are visiting your website for the first time, to look for the menu section for any longer than 3 seconds. The strongly you highlight the menu section of your website, the better it is for your website and of course, for the over all business.

 The menu must be logically correct and easily understandable. It should be highlighted properly in the website and must provide the complete gist of the website in a compact way. The entire representation must appear like a waterfall (talking precisely about the representation of the information) originating from a single source.

Sign up form for the Subscriptions

 The sign up form goes a long way in ensuring that your website and your online business remains connected to the users for a longer way.

 More often than not, we only witness blunders being committed while putting up the sign up form on the website. It if often places at some distant corner location, where it is hardly visible and does not really make sense for the users.

 Strategically place the sign up form in the website, and it must be duly highlighted in your website. Think of a nice one liner to go along with the sign up form, that would help urge the customers or users in general to sign up.

RSS subscription

 Present day users are not really excited and amused with the RSS subscriptions. None the less, they are highly significant for your business and its undertakings. Thus think before providing the RSS subscription buttons. They are often placed in a big and distinctly recognizable call to action buttons.

Again you may think of mentioning the relevance of the RSS subscriptions and ask the customers to subscribe for the same.

Products and services that you are offering

If you are conducting a business, and it happens to be your ecommerce website which you are trying to redesign to solicit better performance, this is a crucial step for you.

Not just place the link of the products and services, but also provide a decent explanation of the same. Use images with contrasting and impressive colors and designs. Also you may think of mentioning the products and services which are a hit with the customers, they ones which have been repeatedly viewed or sold often.

The Search Boxes

If you would search for, you would find various ways to optimizing the search boxes in the website.

The search boxes play a crucial role in the website and contribute a great deal towards optimizing its performance. Generally, the users do not have much time and are looking for a fast and easy way to browse through your website. If you provide them with a search box, which is uniquely highlighted in the above the fold section of your website, you are more than certain to provide a better user experience.

Think of the design of the search boxes, it should not appear just a part of the website design, but must actually stand out. You may also provide the option of providing categories, hints about the products and services and features that users can search for, and yes, there is actually a lot you can do with the search boxes of your website.

Exploit the same opportunity for a better user experience.

The Registration Form

The registration form for the website should be designed keeping in mind the users and their behavioral patterns. Do not bore them to death by asking length questions, which honestly they have no interest in sharing. The registration form got to be short, precise and to the point. The questions covered in the registration form must not be intimate and personal in nature. They should rather be strictly professional and minimal in nature.

Contact us Page

Contact us page is crucial for the users. You must provide them with the information regarding your business. It may also include your contact details like a physical address, telephone number, email id, and / or a link to the Facebook page etc.

The Parting Note

Owning a website is a very dynamic and co-terminus process. We have provided you with the basic features which must be highlighted in the website design. Of course, the design of the website, and what exactly needs to be highlighted in it depends on the nature of the website and the purpose that it is aiming to solve. Even if your experiments fail at some point of time, you can easily make the changes in the same. Thus, never be afraid to experiment with all of these and other elements.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @

1 Comment

  • This was really interesting blog post. When we design any website we need to focus on important aspects such as services, contact page and RSS etc… Basically I have seen that most of the visitors mainly focus on these things. Thanks for sharing it.

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