In the time before computers were used every day (yes, it seems long enough ago to be the stuff of legend!), purchasing a computer was an incredibly expensive affair for the typical person’s budget. Nowadays, thankfully, computers are relatively affordable for most people.
The downside, however, is that computers are now subject to near-constant use and wear and tear, and so need to be purchased more regularly. You might be just typing in your billing information for the perfect set of Dutch Crafter furniture when a computer parts suddenly gives up the ghost and dies – little in life is more irritating.
Laptop batteries are probably the paradigmatic example of this, so here are some top tips on securing a longer life for your battery, meaning hopefully that replacement purchases are made more seldom than they otherwise would be.
Storing it in Reasonable Conditions
It goes without saying that the bottom of a volcano or the top of Mount Everest is not the ideal place to keep your laptop’s battery, but the cutoff point between acceptable and unacceptable storage is not always as clear as it could be.
Your laptop should come with accurate storage information included, but as a general rule you should avoid particularly hot or cold temperatures. Most people encounter problems when they have left their machine in their car for an extended period of time. A hot summer’s day or a chilly winter’s night may not guarantee destruction, but routinely storing your laptop in such a way is a proven recipe for very bad battery performance and damage.
Understanding your Machine and Routine
Different types of battery have different kinds of upkeep requirements. Find out what kind of battery your machine uses and seek specific storage advice.
For example, did you know that nickel hydride batteries require a complete drainage and recharge cycle once a month to keep performing at their best? Once you know what your specific battery requires, build those requirements into your routine, and you’ll be able to feel vastly more secure in the knowledge that you are doing everything you can.
Taking Account of your Lifestyle and Usage
Do you often or even occasionally spend a prolonged period without using your laptop? If so, then you may be damaging the battery without even knowing it.
If you know that you will be without your laptop for over a week, remove the battery from the rest of the computer and store in a suitable climate as this will prevent any unnecessary internal damage during that period.
On the other hand, if you are never without your laptop you may be tempted to keep it charging constantly. Don’t. This damages the life-length of the battery, meaning you will experience problems, such as it retaining virtually no charge when you actually need it away from a power source.
Thank you for the great piece of advice. Actually I have a bad habit, while working at my laptop, Its plugin the whole together with my battery and now, I need to buy a new battery because it wont last for so long–the longer is 7 minutes 🙁
“On the other hand, if you are never without your laptop you may be tempted to keep it charging constantly. Don’t. This damages the life-length of the battery, meaning you will experience problems, such as it retaining virtually no charge when you actually need it away from a power source.”
sp, whats the solution? if we are constantly using our computer, and it constantly needs to be charged… then ??
That is an awesome post. You have really layed out your points in great detail. Very easy to follow with good content. We should take get hold of this post, read and impliment the points outlined.
Great ! Thank for sharing
Ohh Thats really bad Chapman..
After getting Fully charged remove power for sometime. 🙂