If there’s one tool SEOs are hooked on, it’s Google Analytics. While webmasters are well aware of the many advantages and benefits of this tool for monitoring a website’s traffic, online businesses may view it as just another hard to understand service that’s meant for webmasters.
Well, that’s actually not the case. Google analytics is very easy to use and one that all businesses should utilize. You don’t need to be an SEO mastermind to understand how this tool works, and if you want your business to succeed, this tool will teach you what steps you need to take to make your SEO campaign successful.
Here are five reasons why your business should be using Google analytics:
1. It’s free
When people find out something is free, they are more than likely going to take a good, long, hard look at it. Google analytics is a free tool, with the option of becoming a premium member, and one that will help guide you through the necessary steps to make your campaign a success.
2. Find out how web audiences found your website
While your selected keywords will bring visitors to your website, Google analytics will help you find what other keywords were used that brought visitors to your site. This can impact your campaign strategy as you may decide that certain keywords are more successful than others, in which you may decide to add keywords or remove initial targeted keywords.
3. Determine which pages were clicked on the most
Do you know which page on your site is liked the most by visitors? You may think one page is a favorite, but Google analytics can tell which page or pages definitely are. This will help you determine the best method in directing visitors to the pages you want to target.
4. Enhance site content where needed
With the new Penguin update, Google is cracking down more than ever on sites with links stuffed throughout content as well as site with low quality content. When web audiences come to your site only to find myriad links and poor content, they are likely to immediately leave the page. Google analytics will analyze your bounce rate, which is the percentage of those who entered a page and then instantly left. Since content is king in SEO, you can reduce your bounce rate by creating original and valuable content.
5. Discover any website errors and fix them
Although you may have a website that you believe is top niche, you may be missing the various errors throughout your website. Google analytics will help track errors on your website so that you can fix these and help your site become more visible.
Google analytics helps you truly get to know how successful your SEO campaign is by tracking the traffic coming to your site and locating any errors throughout. You don’t have to be an SEO whiz to understand how to use the tool, and in the end, you will be able to bring more visitors to your website, keep them on pages longer, and turn visitors into customers, generating more revenue.
Thanks for the tips on Google Analytics. It is another example of a great and free product that many people including small businesses should take advantage of! Another great on to use for Facebook and its pages is Facebook Insight. You can download it onto an excel spreadsheet!