Social Media

Chit Chat Messenger : Evolution of IM

The quote “evolve or die” has been taken from a Darwinist evolutionary perspective of biology, however, the statement applies to technology.  In particular, to instant messaging.

It is perhaps, for that reason that “Chit Chat” a Messenger application for Facebook chat has just last week released an update. Just a couple of years ago found itself to be the only viable desktop software application to connect to Facebook chat. Now, there are many alternatives – including Facebook’s very own “Facebook Messenger” application.

Brand recognition is important in any market – however, the marketing machine behind Facebook could lead many to believe that Facebook Messenger is the only method by which to connect to Facebook chat. That simply isn’t the case. The media reach of Facebook is incredible; the extent to which Facebook can make a small change or release a basic application and for widespread awareness and market penetration reached is the envy of many corporations.

Arguably even the older version of Chit Chat for Facebook is a better “Facebook Messenger” than Facebook’s own Messenger application, however, given the launch of “Facebook Messenger” clearly the development team felt the need to add more “reasons why” you should choose “Chit Chat” over “Facebook Messenger” as your Facebook IM.

Indeed, according to Daniel Offer, Managing Director of Athena IT Limited “Even before our update, there were many reasons why you would want to use Chit Chat rather than Facebook Messenger” he listed the benefits as “fully compatible with Windows XP (unlike Facebook Messenger)”, proxy support, short cut keys, ability to insert emoticons and text formatting.

Chit Chat  benefits over Facebook’s Messenger

  • GUI – Enhanced GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the sign in process
  • Notifications – one message box that lets you know when friends have signed in or out of Facebook chat
  • Dynamic Core – Updates are done automatically to the connectivity core if Facebook makes changes.
  • Buddy Images – Shown within the Facebook Messenger

Looking for a better “Facebook Messenger,” a Facebook IM with more customizations and functionality it might be worth your while checking out Chit Chat for Facebook.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @

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