
Money Well Mac Application Review

When speaking about applications for Mac, I’m also feeling a bit funny. The matter is that the applications have become something completely unserious. Apps for changing the icon, for moving the folder from one side to another, and many other similar “programs and applications” just make me laugh.

Because I am a fan of really usable and effective applications; at least they have to be useful enough for not being deleted from my hard drive. But today we are going to speak on a really useful and well-considered program, Money Well. This is the one I use really often, a few times a week, and it is not likely to be deleted from my Mac for some time.

Money Well is a program that helps to keep a family budget, and since I have no family, I’ll have to manage my own budget. I also use it to manage the expenses on my own business, and I must tell that I have used a lot of similar programs, but yet I haven’t met more understandable and straightforward program for budget managing. The principle of “envelope budgeting” is used in Money Well. This is a traditional principle of dividing money in different envelopes, where each envelope was meant to serve a certain purpose and expenses.

Our parents have actually used it when there were no computers and other devices for calculating, and everything had to be done manually. Money Well uses the same principle, but yet it is digitalized and when you see everything on the screen, the situation seems a bit more visual and thus simple. Well it was for me at least.

The main functions that Money Well is able to present to us are:

1) Really awesome adjustable interface. You do know that almost any program, if adjusted properly, can work much faster and more conveniently. Money Well is a vivid example of such a program because the adjustments enable you to make anything practically automatically and without any kind of trouble.

Yet setting up a banking account to synchronize them in real time is quite a pain, but still it will greatly ease your life in the future. There is no guarantee that all the banking accounts and cards you have will work perfectly with Money Well, but all in all you have an ability to put in everything manually.

2) A great many of the features, starting from classic envelope budgeting, which helps you to control expenses on practically anything you need to (and what’s marvelous – you can easily adjust, alter, modify and add/remove events and items that are supposed to eat up money from your credit card).

As for me, I always use it for controlling my expenses for dining, transporting and petroleum expenses and others. Also there is a great thing like event expenses, a nice tool to control some frequently occurring but unpredictable expenses.

3) Smart filtering of all the transactions. For example, if a Money Well user needs to find all the transactions connected with “entertainment”, he or she can do it in a moment by switching the filter on and automatically transacting any kinds of actions they need to do with the entire sum spent for entertainment.

Well, I live alone, and it’s sometimes difficult to control the cash flow that goes in and out of my pocket. That’s why I have chosen this very application to manage my expenses. Hope my review will help those of you who have found yourselves in a similar situation.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @

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