SEO Strengths You Never Knew You Had

When you first begin an SEO campaign, it’s easy to get lost in the rush to change Titles, META info, establish redirects, and get started on link building.  There’s just so much to do that we can sometimes overlook the obvious where SEO is concerned: your existing assets.

SEO Strengths

At the beginning of any SEO campaign you should have an in-depth conversation with your client, or a long look at your own site, in order to determine a plan of action that fully takes into account your available resources.  If you’re starting from scratch and have no previous websites and no internet presence whatsoever, these tips won’t help you; but chances are you’ve got something you didn’t realize you had.

Taking a Look at Old Links

Running a program such as SEO Moz’s Open Site Explorer will help you find any existing links already leading to your website.  Checking these links, especially those that are the strongest, to make sure information is correct and the links are still posted is a good place to get started, and now’s your opportunity to change any existing anchor text to better meet your SEO objectives.  Note that the most common anchor text in links should be your company’s site URL or the name of your company, which is completely natural.  Changing all the links to a specific keyword phrase is a good way to get penalized.

Do You Have Other Sites?

If you own any other sites it is a good idea to utilize them to link to your new one; however, avoid site-wide links to the new site, as this can seem spammy to search engines and may result in penalties.  Many companies have old sites that they no longer use, which can be redirected to the new site, thereby passing on links.

Utilize the Site Itself

Internal linking between pages is an effective way to incorporate relevant anchor text links that guide both users and spiders through your site.  This is a great time to use those keywords in anchors.  When internal linking, it’s most important to take into account your user’s experience, and links within the content should seem natural and lead users to relevant pages.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+

Each of these social media outlets allows for a link to your website.  If you have existing accounts, try setting up links to your site, or create new accounts as part of your SEO strategy.

Acquiring Links from Existing Listings

A name search for your company will help you find places where the company is listed.  Review these sources and see if there are any link opportunities, and if there are, kindly ask the webmaster to add a link to the company’s listing.

Every website is unique, and every campaign is different, but starting with a look at existing assets is a good way to utilize your strengths and help get your SEO underway.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @


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