
Mobile Marketing : Mistakes to Avoid

Nowadays, many businesses are using mobile platforms as part of their marketing strategy. The best thing about mobile marketing is that brand messages can be tailored to suit the individual user. This means that you can reach out more effectively to customers with information about your products and services.

An effective mobile marketing campaign can give your business and brand a head start over the competition. However, when used in the wrong way, mobile marketing can have adverse negative effects.

Mobile Marketing

The following are some of the common mistakes made by people who use mobile marketing to promote their products and services.

1. Sending messages too often

Many people hate being flooded with text messages. This is especially due to the fact that mobile phones have a limited memory. Bombarding your prospects with text messages will only put them off and you might end up losing potential customers. However, if done properly, text messages can be a very powerful mobile marketing strategy. Since most phones nowadays offer internet access, you can send prospects links to your brand campaigns.

You could also use games to get the attention of prospects, and then subtly insert advertising messages. Many businesses are now using adver-gaming to enhance customer engagement.

2. Failing to distinguish mobile marketing from email marketing

People normally use their mobile devices when on the move e.g. when waiting in a queue or when driving. Since their attention span is short at such times, they cannot retain much information. It would therefore be a big mistake to have mobile marketing messages which are as long as the typical email message. Keep it as simple as possible, also taking into consideration the limited size of a mobile phone screen.

3. Failing to customize content for mobile platforms

A website should not be viewed on a cell phone in the same way it is viewed on a desktop or laptop. The web designs for a mobile phone and a computer are not the same. Therefore, you need to take time to customize your site for mobile viewing. This will greatly enhance your prospects’ mobile experience, thus improving their connection with your business and brand.

4. Failing to test content on different devices

Mobile devices come in all manner of sizes and shapes. In addition, different phones use different technologies to operate. Therefore, before launching your mobile campaign, you need to carry out some tests to see how your content appears on different mobile devices. This will ensure that users are able to access your content easily regardless of the phone they are using.

About the author

Charles Mburugu

Charles Mburugu is a professional blogger who likes sharing tips for internet marketers and bloggers. Currently, he is writing for Moto CMS HTML templates.

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