
How Does Yebhi’s ‘Try n Buy’ Work?

When we visit a garment shop and shortlist a few clothes, we try them to make sure they fit well, look good and the material is comfortable. But when you buy clothes online, you have to depend on the size and the size chart provided by the website and sometimes, the size charts prove to be faulty.


Yebhi.com has a provisional service called ‘try n buy’. You can simply discard the garment if you don’t like it. It is identical to the traditional trial rooms but the only difference is that you get to try the shortlisted garments at home all by yourself!

Here is how the try n buy process works. It is quite simple and convenient and also economical.

  • If you like a few garments and you want to try them, you simply need to add them to the shopping cart and click on ‘try n buy’. As the payment depends on your trial experience, only Cash on Delivery is valid.
  • The order is shipped within a week and when it reaches you; all you need to do is try the clothes and check if you are finding them comfortable and as expected. The size charts available at Yebhi.com are genuine and accurate. Nothing on the website will misguide you. Still, some clothes do not completely depend on the sizes available. There are some parameters you need to consider. So try the ordered garments and check if you like them.
  • If you find them pretty good; if they fit you well and if the colors suit you; then you can confirm your purchase by paying the delivery man. You thus get to know the size that fits you well. Also, you can buy garments with same designs but with different colors.
  • If you find that the colors won’t suit you well or the size is smaller or larger than yours; you can simply give those clothes back to the delivery man and cancel the order.

Yebhi.com is an online megastore which constantly makes an attempt to make its characteristics and administration identical to that of the real shops. So the next time you buy garments at Yebhi, you’ll know what size will suit you and color will mix with you!

You might find it inconvenient to order garments, wait for a week and then try them; but understand the fact well that Yebhi.com has a variety of products to sell. You can bulk buy the clothes and then try them at once. The policy of try n buy stands in case of bulk shopping too.

Yebhi.com encourages its customers to try bulk shopping as when you buy in bulk, you are offered various discounts on the total price. Yebhi coupon codes are a great privilege when you buy in bulk. For example, when you buy garments worth 5,000; then you might be offered a discount of around 20% or you might get a deal. So try Yebhi.com and make it your family store!

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org

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