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How to Get A Right Infographic

Infographics which is abbreviation for Information Graphics are graphic visual representation of any data, information or knowledge resource. Graphics can convey a message easily and effectively compared to words. These graphics in infographic can present the information easily and clearly which is complex in fields like journalism, education, technical writing etc.

Right InfographicPeople in field of mathematics or science develop and communicate important concepts through such infographic or symbols for processing information.

These infographics are becoming more and more popular for online marketing. For every website content is one of the very important aspect. Thus this content is the information which should be conveyed clearly to the users. Infographics are great way to help visitors understand the content in case if its too complex for some of the users.

Also by using these infographics the boring topics can be made interesting. So these infographics are very useful because statistics prove that users are more likely to read the text which is accompanied by graphics compared to the plain text article no matter how interesting the topic might be.

How to Create Successful Infographic design

Before making the infographic successful one should learn about its working and the reason why infographics are successful. One should keep following points in mind while planning for an infographic design.

Be Specific

Infographic’s main aim is to convey something which is complicated or very specific. For some information which is genral, an infographic will confuse the user and take him away from the main point. So always be specific while demonstrating information in an infographic.


In the history of Infographics the charts and graphs have played a prominent role in its success. The inclusion of graphs and charts improves the visual aspect of the infographic and demonstrates the figurative data in an effective manner.

Web Designer

The work of professionals can only be done properly by them. It can not be reproduced by an amateur. Thus hiring a web designer or a team of designers for developing an infographic is a smart decision which everyone should take. Web designing in London which has served many of its clients with various with various infographic designs has many advanced tools needed to create a good infographic.

The work of developing infographic should be given to web designers because it’s a complicated process which requires eye of a designer who has knowledge of code as well.

Embed Code for Infographic

Always keep a code for embedding your infographic to other sites. Using the embed code others can share the infographic on other sites. If this happens one can get SEO credit for others who have shared the infographic.

SEO & Infographics

The links which are integrated in the infographics work in the same way as the links which are integrated in the content of the site. The links in the infographics are also used for getting backlinks. And SEO executives tries to submit these to authoritative sites.

However according to Matt Cutts, head of the webspam team at Google, they would soon put less weight on links coming from infographics compared to those coming from articles. Reason for this according to him is that most of the information found in infographics is incorrect.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org

1 Comment

  • An Infographic is the way of presenting some information by using visual tools; we may say also that it is a visual representation of the information’s. It is a Way by that we can learn about the any Topic without a ton of heavy reading. This is most powerful SEO Tool in the Social Media…

    Your article is very helpful for webmasters.

    Mukesh Prajapati
    Mukesh Prajapati recently posted..Infographics for SEOMy Profile

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