
Register Private Domain Names with Register.com

The influence of internet and online world is growing at a tremendous pace and the same is likely to continue in the times to come as well. Having a website is the need of the hour and goes a long way in creating trust and an impression of genuineness in the mind of the clients. However, setting up a website is not that easy and one needs to consider a number of different points for the same.



A few of these include buying a domain name, booking hosting space, designing the website and marketing it among others. Finding these at one platform is certainly difficult and needs some efforts from your part. Register.com emerges as the perfect alternative in the scenario and provide a complete solution to website building.

Services on Offer

Here is a complete list of the offerings by register.com

Domain Registration

One thing that sets apart register.com from the competition when it comes to domain registrations is its service called – Private Domain Registration. Whenever somebody registers a domain, the related details including your contact number, email id and address are noted as per the standard guidelines. However, this proves to be a source of information for spammers and nobody wants their privacy breached under any circumstances. With private domain registration, your identity would be masked.

Email Packages

The company is also offering a range of email packages targeting personal users, small businesses as well as corporate organizations and finding one that is apt as per your needs is quite easy.

Website Hosting

Register.com is also offering three options for both standard websites as well as ecommerce store. High priced options provide more facilities.

Website Building

Here one can opt to build a website all by himself without entering a single code but by using the do it yourself package of the company. He can also outsource the development work from the company or opt for an ecommerce or a completely customized site.

Securing the Site

Register.com is also offering security certificates including essential security SSL, premium security SSL, wildcard SSL, extended validation SSL and Trust e Privacy seal.


There is no point having a website that is not generating business for you. However, with the rise in competition in the online world and many players trying to grab their share in each segment, special efforts are required to bring traffic and potential customers to come to the site and make a purchase. This is where online marketing comes into picture.

The Verdict 

Register.com is the single solution for all the website related need, provide a range of options to select from and is backed by a number of positive reviews on the internet.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org


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