The very old technique is the Affiliate marketing which is based on the simple technique. Blogs can be written which contain information about the product and comments can give by the customers.
As the size of the customer’s increases the rank of the website gets improved and this is simple and best way to improve the rank of the website.
Content Quality
To write the good content for the product is called content marketing. It’s better than to add more and more pages for the websites. Uses of the product can be given and how better results can be get. The good quality content written websites are found to have more number of the customers and good rank than poor content written websites. It’s better to display the information what the customer must need to know about the product.
Five star strategy- Product Reviews
When the customer gives reviews about the product then customer know what other people thinks about the star and gives the rating to the product. It becomes easy for the other customer to take decision about the product. The owner gets to know what to change or improve in the product.
Social networking websites
The social media networking websites helps to create the crowd sourcing. The social media site profile can be used for this purpose. Update the status contain information about your blog to the product and then share it with the friends so that maximum number of the customers get attracted and it is good way of crowd sourcing. People gives their comment, like the information or they may share the post .This helps in creating the good buzz of the website of that product. The sharing of the post is really works.
Owners need to do the survey and accordingly find the website on which his product link can be given. By sending the link to the owner of the website the link of the product can be add on their websites. While sending email it must be mentioned why they should add your product link or how they will get benefit from it. To put links on scams website it is much better to have quality links. This is also good way of earning money also and its results are better
Create Post
There are several blogs which allows the user to post the comments. The owner can read the interesting blogs if on these blogs comments are allowed then in the comments section the link of the product can be given. The link of the product never is given on the scam websites or bad written blogs. This decreases the rank of the websites. The post written must contain good content and correct link.
All the above tricks are found very useful so that the correct internet marketing can be done and very best results can be got. The link sharing of the product is unique and simple. The quality link must be creating. They are simple to implement.
Social networking sites definitely play a huge role in increasing traffic to a website.
Fardeen recently posted..Smartphones Launched in 2013 ‘Blackberry Z10’ vs ‘HTC One’ vs ‘Samsung Galaxy S IV’
Social Networking sites like stubmle upon and digg play a good role. However the author mentioned really basic things.
Wamiq Ali recently posted..Google Glass Specifications – 720p Recording With 5MP Camera
Hello Sofiya ..

All the tips given above are awesome.Ya for getting good traffic one should must try these tips.Quality content with on page SEO is the the best strategy for getting good traffic.
Mahendra Chhimwal recently posted..After Earth Movie:Will Smith’s upcoming movie full details
Thanks for sharing a perfect writeup which comprise of all aspects of SEO and SMM fro making seo successful relevancy and real links play a significant role
pieter recently posted..Dog Breed
The social media is a powerful tool to reach out to captive audience. It is a fairly new concept that is gaining mainstream popularity.
Dallas SEO Geek recently posted..Don’t Throw Away Another Marketing Dollar! 7 Things You Must Know Before You Buy SEO
If You have a Good Content and You Dont Share it on Social Media,That Content is Just a waste of Time…Now Social Media gives you not only traffic but also Good Rank for the post That You have Shared on Social Media.This is My Personel Experience That i have seen.
Mubi Rana recently posted..Beautiful Deeba Kiran
Good content is a must have to tie your readers, otherwise people will wander off…Content marketing is much more important than the content creation as if nobody knows about the content, nobody is going to read it…so promote as much as you can….
Sanjeev recently posted..Scribe SEO – Why Its Your Best Friend For Improved Author Rank
Nice information vishal
I think social media is another seo. Because you can increase the traffic by social media.
About 90% people know about social media like facebook, google+ etc and visit here, So it is better way to get more traffic.
Oh nice ..
Great article to get more traffic and valauble post…
Abdul gaffar recently posted..Top 10 Easy Ways To Earn Money Online From Home
Awesome guide but i don’t think commenting is a good idea, guest posting is best.
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