QR codes, elaborated as Quick response codes are nothing but an advanced form of two dimensional bar codes accompanied with certain applications. Following is an overview of how QR codes are created, especially by using bit.ly.
QR codes and Bit.ly:
QR codes provide a low cost approach to keep your users engaged. In order to extract the most out of QR codes, you should couple them up with a versatile application; they can be used in direct mail, print or outdoor advertising campaigns. Moreover, it is widely speculated that QR codes will be seen with a new perspective and will be more widely embraced by the users.
To add to the utility of the QR codes, Bit.ly is heavily using QR codes as a link shortening service, in turn, managing to bag billions of clicks per month. It was recently announced that users can shorten the links and they can also turn them into QR codes automatically. This would eventually redirect them back to the original link.
All you need to do is -simply append the QR code to the desired URL and replace the end of ‘bit.ly’ link with ‘.qr’. This will automatically generate a QR code; and guess what, it just takes a few seconds for the whole procedure to take place.
Breaking the procedures into bits:
Step 1
Go to bit.ly, paste or type in any URL address, click on “Shorten”. Add ‘.qr’ at the end of the ‘bit.ly’ link generated (like: http://bit.ly/5stGT.qr).
Step 2
Copy this modified bit.ly link in to a new browser window in order to view the generated QR code. The benefit of using this shortened link is that you can print or e-mail it to your friends; or maybe even post it on your blog.
Alternate options
GOQR is a Good QR generator and it is much more flexible than the other options in the market. It allows you to generate bring-up text messages when the code is scanned. Furthermore, it displays the full QR code in some of your digital campaigns. One of the prime advantages offered is in terms of embedding the supporting code into the target link or website.
QR stuffs:
QR Stuff enables you to generate QR codes and provides a wide array of distinct options like printing a QR code on a t-shirt. The premium service is chargeable so if you’re looking for some free generators, it’s best to look for some other generators.
What does the future look like?
To carry out the procedure, you will need to download a mobile phone app. There are several apps available in the app stores which specifically relate to your needs. Now once you manage to snap in this bit of QR code you will be directed automatically to your choice of link.
QR codes are ideal for brands and marketers all over the world to engage with their customers. They can even be added to several real time locations which facilitate the users to access the websites. QR codes can be seen on front doors, packaging vans, restaurants etc; you name the venue and you shall find them there. Now with the help of bit.ly it has become increasingly easier for the users to create their very own QR code. With a user base of millions, every month billions of links are shortened and this development can act as a gigantic push for the QR code industry.
hmmm I see…. thanks for great information, but i prefer to use adf.ly than bit.ly
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