In online entrepreneurship, at least in the blogging and webcasting arena, one of the paramount facets is the content that is published. Content is King has been viral saying in the industry. Many bloggers and webmasters do fully comprehend it and hence make sure that they publish good content regularly in their respective webpages.
But how good that good actually is?
Seldom do publishers try to measure this prime factor. No offense, they do; but how?
They open Copyscape or other free / premium plagiarism checkers in a snap, upload the article given by their writer, scan it within a couple clicks, check for the % of uniqueness and publish the articles once they see a good uniqueness percentage on the screen.
Is 100% uniqueness in a plagiarism scanner all that tells that a certain piece of content is good?
If that is all that a publisher seeks from content, then why shell out handful of bucks for the writer? One can just buy some PLR, spin it around with an article auto-spinner, check for uniqueness and publish it. Just a minute’s Google can show us how many gigs exist in sites like fiverr that promise tens of 100% copyscape passed articles within a day or two for unimaginably cheap rates. Such gigs are possible due to some tactful PLR snipping.
PLR is certainly not unique, right? I guess this proves my point that 100% copyscape passing content is not as unique as it seems after all. If you are happy serving PLR to your blog’s visitors, then what I’m talking now is not for you. This article is for people who wish and care to provide unique quality articles to their readers.
I think it is time that we rephrase and refine the good old saying (or a myth I can say) – Content is king to
Unique quality content is king
I am not pointing out that checking content for uniqueness with plagiarism auditors like Copyscape is futile. It is always a recommended work to do.
What most plagiarism trackers do is they divide the whole script uploaded into smaller sections and search for each section in known search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Once a match is found, the tracker blackouts that particular piece of your content and reduces the overall uniqueness percentage. Some advanced and premium plagiarism trackers also show where on the web a certain part of your content seems to be copied from.
Hence, it is always good to check your bought content for plagiarism to be on the safe side. But it is vital to bear in mind that 100% unique content is with no doubt good , but it is good only for the search engines and not for the human readers (whom ultimately your blog exists for) unless the so called unique content is turned into unique content having high or to the least, reasonable quality.
Here is, in my view, what is smart blogger/publisher must check for when buying content for their blog.
- The content must be linguistically good with apt grammar and vocabulary.
- Must be well structured into paragraphs and bullets to make it reader friendly.
- Must go with the theme of the blog.
- Must go with the philosophy of the blog and that of the publisher.
- Must go by the on page SEO standards without compromising on quality.
- Must look human with sentences in various persons, unless the blog is meant to be too formal.
- Must include humor in writing style to glue the readers to the blog/site.
- Must add value to the reader (probably by solving an issue or answering their concern).
- Must be accompanied with quality and relevant images and multimedia.
The bottom line is that 100% copyscape articles are not to be blindly accepted. One ought to check for the quality explicitly as all 100% plagiarism free articles are not synonymous to quality content.
Yes I am fully agree with you. Don’t copy from others because it may harm your site . if google got that you copied from others. Then it may Drop your site into dump section. So please don’t copy. Thanks for tips!!
shiv recently posted..Galaxy Nexus I9250 : Install ClockWorkMode Recovery
the copyscape just checks your article for its uniqueness. It has just nothing to do with the content quality. The unique and good are two completely different words.
yogesh pant recently posted..Why is blogging becoming more popular among youth?
I learned a lot from this post.It takes me almost 10 mins to read the whole post and to understand. Definitely this one is the informative and useful post to me.
Thanks for the share.
Definitely not. It will lead your site to affect in Google’s panda algorithm. Always use a unique content to improve your rankings. Thanks for the post Vishal, nicely narrated one.
Normally I find them to be too cluttered and hard to follow; you created this one just for me – clean and easy to understand.and the awesome points you shared in this post. I agree well with on the point of long posts, Long posts really works…Long posts are my favorites and I can see from my own perspective that I share and tend to comment on multimedia + long posts. And the stats speak for themselves.
Personally, I use blog communities for getting more Traffic!
Yogesh recently posted..New Electronic Inventions | How They Are Applicable In Electronics
It was really awesome post.. its very beneficial for all blogger users and website seo.
But I want to include one more think in this.. all tha content of the post must be unique and new. if we are taking copy and past form other sits then they will not work for us. second think is we have to use unique keywords along with best keywords according to the website and they will describe your page and reflect your idea to google and many more search engines. i totally agree with u and i always try to search these kinds for articles that increase my seo knowledge.
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My blog is hosted on Blogspot. I have checked it for plagiarism with Copyscape. I know for sure that several texts published on my blog can be considered by Google as being duplicate content, because I’ve copied several of my own poems from the old literature-dedicated websites. So, logically, I would expect to see those websites and poems to show up in the Copyscape analysis. Well, surprise! They don’t!
More than that, my own blog shows up as being duplicate to itself! I know it sounds confusing, but how am I suppose to call this situation:
I check in Copyscape a blog on domain, and the “duplicated” content is on… and!
It’s weird. I mean, I’m copying myself without knowing it!
Does anyone know how to explain this situation and how to fix it?
And one more question: Is this Copyscape a real thing, an useful tool, or is just a big buzz around it, without any solid reason? I don’t want to sound too sceptical, but after this experience (and this is not the first time when I check for plagiarism!), I can’t help myself to have some doubts…
Cristiana Nicolae recently posted..How to display an Easter egg cursor in Blogspot
Sorry for the double comment, but I think I have just discovered a bug on your blog and I want to report it.
Today is 27 August 2015, but, apparently, my previous comment was posted on 19 May 2013. I see that all the comments from the previous commenters seems to have been posted on the same date – 19 May 2013, which – based on my today experience – I highly doubt.
I hope that you will soon find a fix for this bug, and, – why not? – come back with a blog post about it!
Cristiana Nicolae recently posted..How to display an Easter egg cursor in Blogspot
Very Useful Article! Learned a lot
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