
How to Enhance Quickly Web Developing Business to Earn Money

Making your first sale feels good. Turning a consistent profit feels even better. I’ve been doing this for years and have refined what buyers are looking for so I give it to them, you’ve seen the proof in all the auction examples where you see sites selling for thousands or tens of thousands making little to no revenue. Now it’s time to scale this up.


I recommend going through the entire process of creating a website of value and flipping it for a profit before scaling up. One of the biggest problems with scaling is people get overwhelmed. I’ve coached budding website flippers who get a taste of their first flip and want to start flipping 5‐10 sites a month.

To do that they must have A LOT of infrastructure in place and many times they don’t create that value that buyers are looking for and instead of 1 great website for sale, you’ll have 10 mediocre websites that fetch only a few hundred dollars each. While yes you can profit flipping sites for a few hundred dollars, I think it’s a waste of time considering what you can flip otherwise.

So let’s overview the type of things that get done then we’ll overview my staff so you can mimic accordingly and see what I do, versus what my staff does.

First things first let me go over my staff. I use the following:

5‐10 Writers (From iwriter and odesk, I submit content to a small group and they turn the content around very)

1 Social Media Person (10‐15 hours a week: handles all social media, collecting content to post through stumbleupon, queuing content up on Buffer and answering/talking to people who interact with social profiles)

1 WordPress Guy (This gent knows wordpress inside and out. I have him post and queued content from my iwriter, format content with images, put post in categories, and update excel files with content titles, URL’s, publish dates etc. I always batch work so he’s working on Site A one day, then Site B later. Not alternating putting up 1 post here and there.)

1 Social Submitter (This outsourcer takes those excel files and publishes content to social media, onlywire, pinterest, socialadr and other necessary channels)

Website Creation

  • Selecting A Niche (Me)
  • Setting Up WordPress Including Theme, plugins, analytics, etc (Me)
  • Outsourcing Content (Me)
  • Content Written
  • Finding Images (Me)
  • Pulling Content From iWriter and Posting/Queueing It (WordPress)
  • Taking Live And Queued content urls and organizing them in Excel Files


  • Taking Excel Files And Promoting Them via aforementioned channels like Onlywire, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, SocialADR, etc (Social Submitter)
  • Monitor Website Growth (Me)


  • Setup All Social Media Accounts Necessary For Each Site (Me)
  • Find Interesting Content to share on social media (Social Media Person)
  • Queue all content on social media channels using Buffer (Social Media Person)
  • Actively monitoring all social accounts for retweets, comments, interactions and communicating (Social Media Person)

Flippa Listing

  • Everything related to selling the site such as writing listings, uploading attachments, talking with bidders etc (Me)

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @


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