
Buying a New Cell Phone?

Buying a new cell phone can be a very stressful and confusing process. However, with a little research and some helpful hints, buying a new phone can be easier than you thought. The first thing you need to take into consideration is your specific needs. Ask yourself if you like small screens or big screens?


Touch keys or a physical keyboard? Need a high quality camera or amazing speakers? Once you answer those questions you can figure out what phone type will be best for you, and then can see what brands carry your perfect phone.

Operating Systems

Before you even choose the carrier of your cell phone, you have to choose the type of operating system that you prefer. These options include iOS, Windows Phone, Android and Blackberry. Appleā€™s iPhone is the only carrier that runs iOS, and is usually the standard many other phones hold themselves to.

iOS is clean and simple and has the most app selection out of all other systems. Windows Phone is a relatively new system, but with their use of live moving images on your home screen rather than notifications it will definitely attract customers. The Android is powered by Google, and is very similar to iOS, and is more customizable than the iPhone.

The Blackberry is mostly for those addicted to BBM, but does have a slower hardware than other phones, although they are promising to fix some glitches. Once you decide which operating system you want, you can now decide which wireless carrier you want to purchase your phone from.

Wireless Carriers

There are many different brands, and most of them carry very similar versions of phones. Unless you decide you want an iPhone or a Galaxy, which is unique to their own brand, all other wireless carriers are relatively equal. Before you start looking into each specific brand, research some cell phone specials in the brands packages.

This can help you cut the cost of your monthly plan and save money that you may have spent on your previous model. When you are looking into carriers keep in mind what you want, for example AT&T has the largest selection, with many Windows phones and smaller phones available. Verizon is the most expensive carrier, but also the fastest, boasting 4G speeds faster than some home Wi-Fi connections.

Happy Phone Shopping!

Once you know what type of phone you want, what operating system you prefer and which carrier suits your needs, buying a new cell phone will be so much easier! Hopefully this guide helped you in purchasing a phone that you not only love, but helps make your life easier!

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @


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