By now, most everyone in business has figured out that if they’re not advertising on social media, they’re missing out on one of the most proven and cost-effective marketing mediums available to them.
Social media marketing has already shown to be more effective at growing a customer base and creating loyalty within it than traditional advertising methods. The question to those companies that have yet to take advantage of this then becomes why not use such a tool that’s already probably being employed by most of their competitors. Just go to any business website and see the multiple social media badges directing visitors to their dedicated online communities.
The blessing and the curse of social media is that there are currently so many different options to choose from when looking for the right platform. Many companies will simply bypass the research required to determine which site would best suit their needs and set up communities in all of them.
While that’s certainly a viable option, it’s often unrealistic to think that the appropriate amount of attention and dedication can be given to each one to maximize its effectiveness. Often the task of overseeing them all can seem so overwhelming that whoever’s role it is to orchestrate these ad campaigns ends up neglecting all of them.
On the flip side, by simply putting in a little bit of work into researching one’s options in social media sites, one may end up discovering that concentrating advertising efforts on certain platforms can be just as effective as creating general content on all of them. With that in mind, here are some of the different aspects of the current most popular social media platforms:
Facebook currently has over 800 million subscribers. While many in the past have dismissed its effectiveness as an advertising tool by buying into the notion that it’s primarily used by a younger audience, recent research has shown that 67% of Facebook subscribers earn between $27,000 – $75,000.
Creating a Fan Page on Facebook allows a company to post photos, video content, and updated sales and product information to an exclusive online community that will often distribute the links to that information to their Facebook friends.
Right behind Facebook in terms of current popularity is Twitter. While not allowing for the same amount of content that Facebook does, Twitter offers the chance to streamline the information sharing process by condensing messages into 140 characters, requiring that content be precise and to the point (which is typically the way the that potential customers like it).
A company can send out information to specific followers under specific conversation streams, as well as include links to other sites and online video content. Twitter currently has over 200 million subscribers.
YouTube allows for fast and easy video sharing where users can upload content from any recording device. While YouTube sells ad space, some companies have even chosen to post a majority of their video advertising as content on the site, as it can be created and uploaded much faster and at a fraction of the costs of creating traditional video content.
YouTube’s largest viewing segments are between the ages of 25-55, so it can be an effective tool at putting advertising information in front of people who can act on it.
erhaps no social media platform has enjoyed a greater recent run of success than Pinterest. It’s a great forum for companies specializing in visual goods that users can “pin” photos of or links to in order to share them with others. It’s currently utilized primarily by women, so companies with products and services aimed at a female audience may find this platform especially effective.
Selecting and dedicating one’s online advertising efforts to the correct social media platforms can go a long way in making sure that his/her company is taking full advantage of all that social media marketing has to offer.
The key to choosing the right platforms is understanding the identity of a business and knowing what its customers are looking for while online. Those making this decision must choose wisely, as the potential fate of their company’s advertising effectiveness may hang in the balance.
Compared to other social media sites, YouTube will perform better. We shall go ahead with Google adwords, it can be displayed on all videos.
If we want to display a video ad that will be good move for any business.
i think Facebook is the best for advertisement, my personal experience is very good….