If you want to build your Twitter followers, let it be known that it will take some time, effort and patience. Most website/business owners in Calgary become frustrated midway and stop being active on their Twitter profile.
There is no reason to be disappointed if your followers are not growing at a fast pace. The following tips can help you speed up the process make it more interesting.
1. Promote your Profile
Twitter is not the only social site where you have an account. You should have an account on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and other social media sites too. Promote your Twitter account on these profiles and everywhere else where you have an online presence.
This also includes your website, your blog and even your printed business materials. This will make it easier for your visitors and audience to share your business or information with others.
2. Network with Influencers
Start networking on Twitter with people who are big influencers in your niche. this will require you to listen to the tweets for some time. it is not essential that the influencers in your niche should be national. They can be locals with influence in Calgary.
How to network with them? Begin some conversation with them on Twitter and bring most value to those conversations. If they find you to be highly relevant and useful to your niche in one or the other way, there is a good chance that they will share your information with their network.
So the next time you release a video or any other content and if the niche influencer finds it to be quite useful, they could be sharing it with their hundreds of thousands of followers.
3. Tweet During Peak Hours
Twitter is a unique social media site in that it has a peak active time. it has been found that Twitter users become more active between a specific time, which is around 10 to 16 hours. When you tweet during this time, you are likely to get the best-possible visibility for your feed. Besides, 1 to 2 pm is the most active hour every day and you could increase your Twitter activity during this period.
One of the advantages of using Twitter is that it is easy to schedule your tweets using plugins or apps. So you can schedule your tweets to be posted during those specific hours to get the best-possible and most response.
4. Follow Similar-Interest Users
When you follow people with same interests, Twitter allows you to initiate conversations with them. The more you communicate with others, the more you will be able to build your following.
Gradually, their followers will also start following you. you can search similar-interest users yourself or use apps for the purpose.
hi Adam!
I like your post summary of twitter followers network that work. Twitter is one of my favourite social media platforms for engaging to build impressive and credible relationship with potential followers. I am using twitter as a tool to find fresh content and then sharing or tag to different followers.
Napster Raza recently posted..4 Tips to Optimize Twitter Profile Ranking
Hi Adam !
Its consist of lots of details and suggestions I require. I specially state one thing, I had fun reading this and lots of terrific understandings right here. I will share this information with my friends and they will certainly love to read this.
Thanks for sharing this great article.
Syed recently posted..How To Disable Startup Programs On Mac OS X
Hi Adam,
I have been struggling with how to increase my twitter followers for so long but I have finally figure it out.
It is true like you said “Follow Similar-Interest Users” but that’s only half of the equation.
I noticed that if you respond to people who are interested in similar content, either by commenting on, retweeting, or favorite one of their posts, These users will be more likely to notice that you share similar interests in content and therefore be more inclined to follow you.

You have to engage them and follow them .
I am treating this a hobby now, replying to a comment and retweet a post on a daily basis.
Mitch recently posted..Dating Ideas Worldwide | Huge Date Ideas directory
Yes, you are right now a days, day to day activities make us perfect to get what we want.
Hi Adam
Thanks for the tips. My best advice to grow Twitter followers is to connect with other bloggers and share their contents and retweet their tweets from time to time. There is a pretty good chance that they will return the favour at some point.
Nice article…keep writing and happy blogging…
hitesh recently posted..General Knowledge on India
Good tips and I’d have to agree that #4 is a really good way to get new Twitter followers. It’s also real easy to find like-minded followers doing a search against words that interest you (and others too). Say, for example, you got a food blog and want to find others doing food blogs…a simple search of #foodblog will produce others that are doing a food blog too.
As for the Twitter peak times, I see it fluctuate every day. Some days it’s early morning, other days it’s the afternoon and other days it’s the evenings.
Daniel White recently posted..3 Amazing Free Tools for Any Blogger
Thanks for this amazing and simple article. As we know that Twitter is the most popular Social Networking Site and it helps to get a lot of Traffic and also helps to get backlinks.
I will follow these tips and try to get a lot of followers. It can affect my site a lot.
Thanks man!
Yogesh recently posted..Adfly Review 2015
Thanks for sharing this tips and I will follow the above steps.
Rupesh Hingu recently posted..5 Best Selfie Camera Phone Of 2015
Solid advice! Time to start growing that Twitter account.
Thanks for sharing!