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Nothing Compares to Professional Mobile App Development

A few short years ago, many large companies had no clue what to do with mobile technology. In 2016, app development has practically become an imperative. What happened along the way to change the way businesses interact with mobile app technology, and what does it mean for your company?


After completing a survey of IT decision-makers in 2013, mobile app development platform Feed Henry reported that only 7% of businesses had a fully implemented mobile app strategy in place, and a whopping 51% had absolutely nothing in place.

A scant three years later, those numbers have changed considerably. In a new survey, 52% of companies now have a fully implemented mobile strategy and only 11% still refuse to adapt. These numbers show us that the majority of companies have accepted that a mobile app strategy is not just water cooler talk, but is now the fastest way to grow.

Companies Want To Invest In Apps

The survey proved that attitudes toward business-facing mobile app development have changed. Companies are now more committed to investment than ever, and are tracking demonstrated value through key performance indicators.

The survey highlighted three reasons why companies were showing levels of mobile maturity—business transformation, the chance to automate certain business processes and the capacity to make Web-based processes more mobile friendly.

Mobile Apps Add Value

Companies that rely on a mobile workforce are more likely to enjoy the benefits of a dedicated mobile strategy, the report notes. People who use tablets and smartphones to communicate with customers have become a common sight in the private sector — a very good reason why mobile apps should be a priority for any company that is working on the go, as they allow for constant updating and streamlining among varied sectors and departments.

Over 50% of companies in chemical, pharmaceutical and bio-tech industries use mobile applications to improve their business practices, while 58% of construction companies, mining, and petroleum companies are doing the same thing. Logistics-centric companies are now integrating mobile apps more than ever before to automate existing processes, with 50% of companies claiming that mobile first is now the preferred option.

Invest in a Professional Developer

Of course, in order to capitalize on this massive uptick in mobile app interest, you’ll need a professional firm to help you develop your app and integrate it across all platforms and guarantee quality assurance. This is why you’ll want a top mobile app company like Clearbridge Mobile that can provide a sleek, end-to-end development model with several agile teams who plan together, share knowledge, have a predictable rate and can pivot in order to suit your changing needs as your product evolves.

You’ll want to find a company that is winning awards, and setting new standards in performance. For the second time, Clearbridge Mobile has been named the leading app developer in Toronto by ratings and review firm Clutch, proving that they are a praise-worthy leader among the bevvy Canadian app developers out there.

The factors that led to this superlative ranking include an impressive client base and a proven ability to deliver on past application projects, such as those detailed in the Clutch profile and their impressive portfolio — which includes industry giants such as Microsoft and Disney.

The Clear bridges print-based model can help accelerate development cycles and allow your company to retain control over the velocity of each project, giving you full access to a full suite of management tools so you can stay updated on project evolution in real-time.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @ vishal@techbucket.org

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