
Software Required for Your Business

When you have a business where you are selling a product, there are many items that you need to run the business smoothly.  A computer is pretty much an essential tool these days and therefore, there is a variety of software that you will need to install and learn how to use.

If you are not very computer literate, there are many places that offer training to allow you to be more comfortable with the programs and allow you to get your full value.

business software

That said, depending on the type of software you are using, it can be more difficult to find an affordable method to learn the software.  For instance, it is easy to find courses that will teach you how to use word processing programs but it can be more difficult to find people to teach you how to use inventory tracking software.

Hopefully the company that you buy this product from can help you to learn.  That said, if you are buying software that is all in one like Quickbooks, there will be an inventory component within it.  It should not be too difficult to find a course in Quickbooks at the local schools or even though various online schools.

Another program that you will need to fun your business is something to handle email.  Whether you go web-based or you prefer something that allows you to download you email and then go offline to handle it, is up to you.  If you have your own domain name, then it is best to setup an email address using that as it looks much more professional than using one of the many free services that are out there.

Accounting software is very important for your business.  If you do not have any type of bookkeeping system, you will not easily know if you are actually making money or if you are losing money.  Cash in your register or in the bank account is not always a good indication as you may not be taking into account any bills that you still have to pay.

Having good books will give you a good indication of how you are doing with your business and if you are making good decisions or bad decisions.

Depending on the type of business you have, an electric calendar is an asset to keep you organized.  For someone who has a business that has a lot of meetings, maybe a planner, it is important that you are organized and know when you have meetings and when you have free time to get other work done.

You may also want to use a paper planner to go with it just in case the computer crashes or you are somewhere and need to see what else is on your calendar.  With more and more people running smartphones, it is much easier to sync your electronic calendar between multiple devices which can enable you to not have to carry around a paper version.

Just remember, software only works as well as the person who is using it.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @


  • Hi Vishal,

    This post is very interesting. Actually, I’m expecting to know what specific softwares I could use to help me with my business. I have plenty of investments in the stock market and I’m looking for a user-friendly accounting software. Do you any suggestions for that kind of software? Let me know. 😉
    Ronaldo Ferrer recently posted..How to set up a new AndroidMy Profile

  • Vishal,

    Thanks for the post! You are correct in that many people start a business without really thinking about the importance of making sure they have the proper software to run their business. (I think that’s the name) is a great MS Office replacement for free. It’s also important to have good project management software whether you are just scheduling your own projects or working on projects with other. There is now some online billing and light accounting software as well.

    Take Care,

    Jupiter Jim
    Jupiter Jim recently posted..WordPress 3.6 is Here — Features and Installation Video.My Profile

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