Blogging SEO

Using Blogs to Drive Web Traffic

Blogging has turned out to be the most common thing of the past time. Every website owner today uses a blog for driving traffic to his website. If you have entered the zone of blogging with the same aim then first of all, you will have to make sure that you drive traffic to your blog. That will not be easy.


Driving web traffic is not the only reason for blogging. Many people are into blogging because they love sharing information. It can be any niche to share. That is why today you can find plenty of blogs on different topics.

What to focus on?

Beginners always wish to learn the blogging tips and tricks. Well, if you want to be a successful blogger then you will have to learn a lot before getting grip on the tips and tricks. Making a blog is too easy now. However, the thing that will be scary is driving traffic to your blog. There will be a lot of things that you will have to focus on for this purpose.

The type of posts that you will create for your blog should be relevant to your niche. You can link the content of your blog to your own website too. That will be a great way to drive web traffic within limited time.

Encourage discussions

There are such things for which people strongly want to hold discussions for. You can include such topics in your blog post. This approach will encourage the discussions. You will see such people too, who will be against your views. Along with them, there will be ones, who are with your views.

However, do not encourage aggressive discussion. You just need some hot topic on which people love to speak. If this turns out to be successful then people are going to come to your blog off and on in order to check more updates. There might be chances that they will start sharing your hot posts and make their friends join in the conversation too. A chain of discussion will begin and you will get a chance to increase your blog readers.

What word of mouth can do?

Word of mouth can also turn out to be a useful tool for driving web traffic. It is obvious that you will invite your friends, family, and the people you know to share your blog posts, to add comments and likes. The opinions of other users also count. Hence, if the readers will be happy with your blog and they feel that you share knowledge and interesting information, then they will definitely praise your blog to other people if not today then tomorrow for sure. Their sharing, commenting, and liking can be a gateway to your success.

Compelling posts

People might come to your blog unintentionally too. This will happen if they will be looking for something that is related to your niche and that specific keyword will be included in your blog post. If there will be a link of your website provided at the end of the blog post, then chances are there that the reader might click it.

He will make a purchase if he finds your post trustworthy and compelling. The way you write will tell how legit you are. However, keep each post simple. Do not use flowery or scholarly language. This might scare the reader away.

Whether you are expert or at the beginner level, all you need is to drive the attention of readers to your blog. You have to offer them some path through which they can visit your website to become their potential customers.

Making the reader land on your website will be important. It does not matter if the purchase will not be made at the first time. The visitor must just get something to make him visit your blog again.

About the author


I am Vishal Gaikar, Engineer, Web Addicted, Living in Maharastra, India. Email Me @


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